Are Bidets Bad For UTIs?
Bidets can provide a safe and cost-effective alternative to toilet paper for maintaining clean genitalia and reducing UTIs, by keeping bacteria off of it. But proper use must be observed.
Water should always be directed toward the urethra rather than vagina, and you should drink plenty of it while wiping from front to back.
1. They can cause hemorrhoids
Use of bidets can help prevent hemorrhoids and other issues in the genital area, however it’s essential that they’re set correctly – temperature and direction being paramount factors here; too hot of water could irritate skin while too close an approach could cause pain or itching.
Bidets provide an effective means of cleansing both anal and genital areas after using the bathroom, helping reduce odor, itching and other symptoms associated with hemorrhoids while simultaneously decreasing urinary tract infection risk.
However, if you suffer from hemorrhoids or other genital conditions, using a bidet should not be recommended. Instead, seek medical advice regarding its cause and possible treatments before trying anything yourself to prevent issues, like not using toilet paper after visiting the bathroom.
2. They can push germs into the urethra
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria entering through fecal matter in our waste, so it’s crucial that after using the toilet we thoroughly wipe our anal area clean to reduce any risk of infection. A bidet can help do just this!
Though you might worry that a bidet’s nozzle could harbor bacteria, this is unlikely. The only way that using a bidet could lead to UTIs or other issues would be touching its nozzle and accidentally getting bacteria on your skin from touching its nozzle – an action similar to using traditional toilet paper would also produce this result.
Make sure your bidet includes the feminine wash feature designed specifically for women; this ensures the nozzle does not touch your anus or vagina, thus preventing bacteria from migrating from these areas into your urethra and increasing your chance of UTIs. It is the most effective way of using bidets to decrease UTI risks.
3. They can cause chaffing
Bidets can be one of the safest ways to clean your genital area, provided they’re used properly. A dirty bidet nozzle could transfer germs from anal to vaginal or urinary tract areas – which is why it is vitally important that you invest in one with retractable and self-cleaning features like Brondell Bidiet’s model.
Bidetting can also provide soothing relief from inflamed hemorrhoids, helping prevent them from reappearing and relieving rectal itching. To make sure it has the desired effects on you and the anal area, however, make sure your bidet comes equipped with mild soap for maximum effectiveness in avoiding irritation which could increase discomfort and cause further swelling and pain.
Another potential risk associated with bidets is overcleaning perineal and vaginal skin, leading to an overgrowth of E. coli bacteria and increasing your risk for UTIs. Normal bacteria found on anus and vagina are needed for maintaining balanced pH levels in your urinary tract and skin, but overcleaning could deprive your body of this important source of healthy bacteria that helps balance these levels in both areas.
4. They can cause irritation
A bidet (pronounced bih-DAY) is a bathroom fixture that sprays water after you’ve used the restroom, eliminating the need for toilet paper. Bidets may either be attached directly to your toilet, or come equipped with detachable hoses; some even feature self-cleaning nozzles to reduce bacteria contamination.
Studies have indicated that bidets may cause irritation in the anal area due to hot or high-pressured water being sprayed onto them, however most find the sensation of clean warm water being sprayed over their anus after using the toilet comforting and enjoyable.
Cleansing down there with pure water, whether from a bidet or showering, is one of the best ways to prevent UTIs and hemorrhoids. Be wary of soaps and detergents which could irritate sensitive skin there; just remember to point your nozzle in the appropriate direction as doing otherwise can increase germs leading to irritation of anus or vagina.